rriptide wrote:
how would this update be applied to solo servers?
Any suggestions for that would be welcome! We're thinking maybe they will be won by score, using the legacy system, or possibly receive increased members (or maybe fragments held?).
JohnnyDoe wrote:
Why the hell not? I'd like an update to bring SOME life back into this game
I didn't even read the suggestion I just read the title that's all xD
cuz I look for people to make teams
and I find that the pool of players to select is quite small
Hey Johnny, it's great to hear you're so excited - I can tell you that reading the topic is worth it though!
Exolios wrote:
Do you love Battle Dawn? Do you love strategy, warfare, and the excitement of a good era? Do you want to see dull eras disappear and every era to be exciting from start to finish? Then we've got something for you!
We have a suggestion to reduce sub abuse
I'm not sure if i'm missing the point (could be the case)
But how will the current changes fix anything?

these "noobs" will maybe get a fragment, but the same will happen to them as with crystals, they will get taken at some point in time.
The alliance groups with ten subs behind them will still just zerg other alliances trying to play the game.
And nothing is changed?
dull era's will stay dull?
Don't get me wrong

i'm all for change

But as i see it, don't dress it up more than it is.
You can't take a fragment.
We believe that by spreading relics further, there will be more friction (and war) between allies, subs and so on. We would love to hear your suggestions to make it better though!
harshrana911 wrote:
Admin and guys!!
I think relic attack will be normal...
Plz dont change...
If will hard to attack another relic from relic....
We're working on ideas to make it work and fun! We would love to hear your own!
Current idea is relics will move as fast as squads - so no more slowpoke relics!
Yes/No? Other idea?

CaptainXxAwesome wrote:
Honestly im against the idea. I just cant see it working in the long run. Yes its a great idea, but the problem im seeing is when the mobile version is released next year the servers are gunna be swamped once again like back when bd was released on kongregate. In my eyes for 12 players too get 5 fragments on a server with 3000 players when thiers only 80 fragments in the world is kinda unrealistic. Ya your probaley thinking the majority of those players will be noobs and wont play, but i can see the community being alot more active especically for the new players as well. As they can play on the go anywhere it makes the game alot more appealing, as you don't have too sit in front of a computer. In my eyes thats gunna make rounds more competitive and hopefuly thier will be less battle hugs, but at that point i cant see this new relic system working.
Do you reckon it would help if we increased the amount of fragments based on the amount of players in a world? Would love to hear your suggestions as to solving that problem.

Thanks for your feedback everyone! Hearing some great stuff!
This is just rough estimates off the top of my head.